Sweeter Real Estate Group Does it Again!
Dustin Sweeter of the Sweeter Real Estate Group with Keller Williams sells a house in Horsetown USA ?
Sweeter Real Estate Group sells a house in Norco CA 92860. This single story Norco home was listed for sale mid June and quickly went into contract within 6 days. This 3 bedroom house is located on on 1st Street.
The house listed for sale at $419,900 with Dustin Sweeter representing the Seller. It closed escrow within the last week of July over asking price at $430,000. The house measures 1,415 square feet offering a great location as well as resting on a half acre of horse property. Other highlights in this Norco home include ceramic tile wood look floors, a remodeled kitchen with new stainless steel appliances. Congratulations to the the new home owner and wish many years of joy in the new home!
More Norco Homes Under $500k
The average single family home sales price in the city of Norco for the month of July is $588,722. During the month of July there were 27 (SFR) homes that sold in Norco. Compare this to the previous year of 21 homes selling in July 2016 and an average sale price of $522,138. To see a list of current homes for sale in Norco, see the table below to find your perfect home.
See Where Norco CA Is:
Dustin Sweeter and the Sweeter Real Estate group appreciate working with sellers and buyers by educating and helping plan and prepare so they know what to expect when buying or selling a home. Our mission is to meet and exceed expectations in every real estate transaction. We work with a variety of clients from a first time home buyer to a seasoned investor. We can help and we work diligently to get everyone to the closing table.
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Remember to Call TODAY 714-514-5004 and let us know who we can help buy or sell a home in Norco.
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